A zero waste blog. Join me on my journey as I reduce my waste and move towards a simple, vegan and zero waste lifestyle.

Showing posts with label Vegan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegan. Show all posts

Vegan Banana Bread // Plastic Free July

Monday, 16 July 2018
Banana bread is one of those great cakes that you can make with ingredients from your cupboard and now I can bulk buy vegan chocolate chips, the recipe is zero waste too. It's also a great way to use up any bananas that are too ripe too eat so you don't end up with food waste. I made this cake last night and as you can see from the photo I've already eaten about a third of it which can only be a...

Where To Bulk Buy in Edinburgh | The New Leaf Co-op

Monday, 18 June 2018
Want to know where to bulk buy in Edinburgh? Well The New Leaf Co-op has all your zero waste needs. I discovered this shop last year, and these days I can often be found there scooping chickpeas into jars and looking at all the shelves of spices. The store is open from Monday to Saturday and is the best place in Edinburgh to buy in bulk. The shop sells loose fruit and veg, bread without packaging,...

Zero Waste Mascara

Monday, 11 June 2018
My makeup bag is probably one of the areas of my life that isn't very zero waste. If you know me well then you'll know I don't wear much makeup anyway, but one of my must-have items is mascara. I was previously using drugstore mascara which came in a plastic bottle, but since it ran out a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to find a zero waste alternative. I found Beauty With Roots for Etsy...

Vegan food in York & Leeds

Wednesday, 25 April 2018
I recently got back from a long weekend in York (with a day trip to Leeds) with my mum and my sister, and while I was there, I discovered some amazing vegan food. I only found one fully vegan restaurant (as opposed to the multiple vegan ones in Edinburgh), but lots of places had vegan options so I was never short of food. I even found a stall in York station selling brownies and vegan sausage rolls,...

Vegan food in Iceland

Friday, 2 February 2018
It's the land of dried fish, sheep head, and shark, so it's safe to say I had my reservations about how much vegan food I would actually find in Iceland. As it turns out, there are lots of great options. In a bid to save some cash (because Iceland is VERY expensive) we did eat quite a few meals in our apartment. I took oats with me for porridge and found some strawberries and syrup at the local shop,...

**Happy Veganniversary**

Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Happy Veganniversary to me!! That's right, today is officially my veganniversary. I'm sure to some people it's a pointless day that doesn't mean anything, but to me it marks a completely new chapter of my life filled with compassion, love, good health and great friends. Plus, I'm not married or anything so right now this is the only real anniversary I have to celebrate, so I am taking it. If...

Vegan Christmas Meet Up - Herbivore Kitchen

Sunday, 17 December 2017
Last night, I had the pleasure of going out for a three course Christmas dinner with some lovely vegan bloggers at The Herbivore Kitchen in Edinburgh. I got to put faces of people I've followed online for a while, and made some new friends in the process.  If you're used to being the only vegan on a night out then your options can often be limited. I've been to many events and nights out...

Edinburgh's newest supper club

Sunday, 3 December 2017
Supper clubs seem to be the thing of the moment, and Edinburgh's newest one certainly doesn't disappoint. Last night, I went to Century General's first ever supper club with a group of colleagues and friends from OneKind. We've become regulars at Century General over the past few months thanks to their coffee (I'm still not a coffee drinker, but I hear it's very good) and giant vegan cinnamon buns....

Vegan Club Sandwiches

Friday, 10 November 2017
A couple of weekends ago, I found myself at The Caffeine Drip in Edinburgh for the first time. I'd heard lots of great things about this South African café and bakery, but for some reason I've just never found myself at that part of town, even though isn't really that far away from my flat. It isn't a vegan café, but they have so many different vegan options that you wouldn't be disappointed....

Making my own almond milk

Monday, 2 October 2017
Guess who made her own almond milk at the weekend? I had wanted to make it for a while, but I kept putting it off. I thought it would be really difficult, but in actual fact it's really simple. So here's my step by step guide to making your own almond milk. 1. Soak 2 cups of almonds overnight or for at least 8 hours. Place the almonds in a bowl and cover with an inch of water. The longer...