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Zero Waste Mascara

Monday, 11 June 2018

My makeup bag is probably one of the areas of my life that isn't very zero waste. If you know me well then you'll know I don't wear much makeup anyway, but one of my must-have items is mascara. I was previously using drugstore mascara which came in a plastic bottle, but since it ran out a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to find a zero waste alternative.

I found Beauty With Roots for Etsy and it arrived two weeks ago. The mascara itself is comes in a small glass jar with an aluminium lid. Not only is it zero waste, but this particular one is completely vegan and organic too. It uses lots traditional herbs, so it's a lot better to be using near your eyes than all the chemicals that are used in high street mascaras.

It goes on really well and lasts all day so I definitely have no complaints about how it looks on, but it can be a little tricky to get it out of the jar. If you stick the whole mascara brush in (note: this doesn't come with the mascara) then you'll end up with lots on the brush that will go to waste since your not putting the brush back into the bottle like you would normally.

However, you can stick the tip of the brush in the pot to put on your lashes and then use the whole wand to brush it through then it works fine. I just takes a couple of tries to get used to it, especially if you've been buying mascara in a standard shop bought bottle for years.

Overall, it's been a great product so far and I'd definitely recommend it. I'll be blogging about the rest of my zero waste makeup swaps in the coming months, so stay tuned!

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