A zero waste blog. Join me on my journey as I reduce my waste and move towards a simple, vegan and zero waste lifestyle.

Zero Waste Beginner's Tips

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Say hello to my new venture into the world of social media!

I've dabbled with YouTube before, but I've never really committed to it properly. I've made a few videos over the past few years, but nothing that great and I guess I never stuck with it as much as I should have. So I decided to change my channel name from my nickname Moyesy to ZeroWaste30 and start again. If you would like to subscribe to my channel then you can do so here.

I thought I'd start things with a really simple video with my top 5 zero waste tips to get you started.

1. Reusable bottle

There really isn't any reason at all to be buying plastic bottles of water these days. Despite the fact that it's damaging to the environment, why spend £1 on a bottle of water when you can just drink it from your tap? It really doesn't make any sense at all. I picked up my stainless steel reusable bottle from TK Maxx a few months ago and it's the best bottle I've ever had. It keeps my water cold for 12 hours which is perfect if I'm on the go or if I'm doing some hillwalking. I've also found cafes and restaurants are more often than not happy enough to fill it up if you ask them nicely enough.

2. Tote Bag

I think this was one of the first zero waste swaps I made years ago before I ever knew what the term zero waste meant. I have quite a few ones that I carry around with me including a few from my work and my favourite vegan ones from Chiaralascura. Unfortunately the one I have is no longer available, but they do have some other awesome looking ones on their website. I picked mine up at a vegan festival in Glasgow a few years ago, but you can purchase them online too. If you don't want postage and packaging which I can't guarantee is zero waste then you'll be able to pick up other totes bags in shops a lot closer to home.

3. Shampoo bar

I swapped by shampoo bottle for a shampoo bar about six months ago and I haven't looked back since. I know there's a lot of different ones on the market and some people don't like Lush, but I've found the Seanik bar from Lush works really well for my hair. I don't need to use a conditioner with it and it lasts for a long time. I did try using a different one from Lush but it made my hair feel a bit dry, so I would shop around and find one that works for you. If you get one in Lush then they sell tins as well so they're easy to carry around.

4. Bamboo Toothbrush

I love my trusty bamboo toothbrush from Humble Brush which unlike plastic ones is biodegradable and can be recycled or put in the compost. I tend to keep hold of mine and reuse them to clean stuff with, so there's lots of different uses for them.

5. Reusable wipes

I stopped using face wipes last year, and have been using reusable ones ever since. I'm currently using some handmade ones that I made from an old pair of pyjamas. I used them with coconut oil to take off my make up (I don't wear much make up anyway) and then just throw them in the wash with my normal load. It much better and cheaper than constantly buying single use face wipes from the shops.

What tips would you have for someone getting started on their own zero waste journey? Comment below and let me know.

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  • Zero Waste Beginner's Tips Say hello to my new venture into the world of social media! I've dabbled with YouTube before, but I've never really committed to it properly. I've made a few videos over the … Read More
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