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Edinburgh's newest supper club

Sunday, 3 December 2017
Supper clubs seem to be the thing of the moment, and Edinburgh's newest one certainly doesn't disappoint.

Last night, I went to Century General's first ever supper club with a group of colleagues and friends from OneKind. We've become regulars at Century General over the past few months thanks to their coffee (I'm still not a coffee drinker, but I hear it's very good) and giant vegan cinnamon buns. So when we heard the first Century General Supper was going to be vegan, we knew we had to go.

For the first course, we had a delicious beremeal bannock with white bean and roast garlic puree. If you're not familiar with a beremeal bannock (which I wasn't), it's bread made using an ancient grain from Shetland. It's something I've never had before, but I'd definitely recommend it if you ever come across it because it's really tasty.

The next course was salt baked vegetables, salsa verde and candied hazelnuts. I'm not really a fan of nuts, so I did pass on the candied hazelnuts, but the rest of the dish was really good. Judging by all the empty plates around me, it seems like everyone else really enjoyed it too.

After that, we had my favourite course savoury course of the night which was braised lentils, neep gnocchi, leeks and jus. I've never had gnocchi made with anything other than potato before, but this neep gnocchi was delicious.

It wouldn't be any kind of supper without dessert and for this course we had chocolate tart, coconut ice cream, apples and pears. I pretty much inhaled this dish the minute it was put down in front of me, and I could have easily had seconds. It was the perfect finish to a fantastic evening of food. We also had bowls of cabbage on the table for us all to share which complimented the dish really well too.

To go with each course, we were given beers from Tempest Brewery. I've never been the biggest beer fan but I would definitely have two of the four beers again, especially the Mango Berlinner which turned out to be one of the best beers I've ever tasted. 

We were also given a couple of samples from Fife based natural company called Bodylushious to try. I got rose and lavender soap and jasmine body butter. They smell so good, so I'll do a full review once I've had a chance to try them out.

I think it's pretty safe to say that the first ever Century General Supper went really well, and I can't wait to see if they do another vegan one in the future.

(photo credit: Century General)

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