A zero waste blog. Join me on my journey as I reduce my waste and move towards a simple, vegan and zero waste lifestyle.

Showing posts with label lush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lush. Show all posts

My Zero Waste Bathroom // Plastic Free July

Thursday, 5 July 2018
Happy Plastic Free July! I hope that you're all enjoying the challenge of trying to cut ditch single-use plastics and look for zero waste alternatives. Of all the rooms in my flat, my bathroom is definitely the most zero waste. It was the first area of my life that I really tackled, and I'm proud that it's a plastic free zone. So I thought I would share the products I use to inspire you to make...

Zero Waste Beginner's Tips

Sunday, 20 May 2018
Say hello to my new venture into the world of social media! I've dabbled with YouTube before, but I've never really committed to it properly. I've made a few videos over the past few years, but nothing that great and I guess I never stuck with it as much as I should have. So I decided to change my channel name from my nickname Moyesy to ZeroWaste30 and start again. If you would like to subscribe...

Lush Shampoo Bar

Thursday, 7 September 2017
I've finally taken the plunge and entered the world of solid shampoo bars and I love it. I'll admit that I never really thought much of them before, but it turns out that I was completely wrong (now that I something I don't admit to much). I picked up the Seanik shampoo bar from Lush last week and my hair has never felt better. You basically just rub the bar into your wet hair and...