A zero waste blog. Join me on my journey as I reduce my waste and move towards a simple, vegan and zero waste lifestyle.

Lush Shampoo Bar

Thursday, 7 September 2017

I've finally taken the plunge and entered the world of solid shampoo bars and I love it. I'll admit that I never really thought much of them before, but it turns out that I was completely wrong (now that I something I don't admit to much).

I picked up the Seanik shampoo bar from Lush last week and my hair has never felt better. You basically just rub the bar into your wet hair and it lathers up just like normal liquid shampoo does.

This particular bar contains seaweed, sea salt and lemon and is meant to give you great shine and volume, which my hair certainly has since I started using it. I smells like the ocean too so I can pretend that I'm not living in rainy old Scotland, but I'm showering in some sort of tropical island.

It's also vegan and plastic free! So let's face it, it is pretty much the perfect shampoo for me.

If you're looking to stop using shampoo that comes in plastic bottles, then I couldn't recommend this more.

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2 comments on "Lush Shampoo Bar"
  1. I need to try this! I've been meaning to pick up a shampoo bar for ages but always forget when I'm near a Lush store! xx

    1. Someone actually commenting on how soft my hair was this afternoon and it's all thanks to my new shampoo bar. I would 100% recommend it. xx
