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Vegan Ben & Jerry's is finally here!

Saturday, 16 September 2017

The wait is finally over, vegan Ben & Jerry's has landed in the UK.

There's been a lot of confusion over the past few days about where you can actually find it. Tesco have been telling people on social media that some stores aren't selling it, but then people are turning up and staff are finding it in the store rooms of the shop. Then some staff are telling people they don't have it, while others are managing to find it. Overall, it seems to be a bit of a mess.

Luckily for me, I managed to find all three flavours at the Tesco down the road from me (that's the one at the bottom of Leith Walk in Edinburgh if anyone lives nearby). The new vegan flavours are: Chunky Monkey, Chocolate Fudge Brownie and PB & Cookies. I went for Chocolate Fudge Brownie and oh my god does it taste good. I haven't eaten Ben & Jerry's ice cream for almost 4 years, so this feelings like all my birthday's have come at once. There are other good vegan ice-cream brands out there, but this will always be my favourite.

I almost ran home from the supermarket with the ice cream in my hands, and I'm sitting working my way through the tub just now.

The only small disappointing thing is that there's plastic round the top of the tub but I do like fact that aside from that Ben & Jerry's use responsibility sourced packaging which you can find out more about here.

Have you managed to find a tub yet? I'd love to know what you think of the new flavours.

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