In order to get me on the road to a zero waste lifestyle, I decided that I would take part in the Plastic Tally Challenge. The challenge was set by one of my favourite YouTuber's Hannah McNeely who is also trying to cut down her waste. She set the challenge to find out how much plastic she actually throws away (single use or recyclable) in a week. The idea is that once you know how much you use, you can work to reduce it. Check out her video here for her results.
I counted up all the plastic I threw away last week, and here's my results.
Day 1
Orange juice bottle
Apple juice bottle
Avocado wrapper
Cleanser bottle
Coconut oil lid wrapper
Day 2
Samosa wrapper
Bread wrapper
Day 3
Ice cream wrapper
Orange juice bottle
Nut butter tub
Smoothie bottle
Coconut milk bottle
Vegan chicken packet
Cracker packet
Cacao powder packet
Day 4
Lettuce wrapper
Vegan chicken packet
Houmous tub
Day 5
Chocolate wrapper
Old phone case
Bottle top
Day 6
Produce bag
Straighteners case
Bottle top
Day 7
Bread wrapper
Tortilla wrapper
So I threw away or recycled a total of 27 items which isn't actually that bad. It could be better, but it could also be a lot worse. I think the main thing for me is getting rid of all the current plastic I have in my house starting with cosmetic bottles and trying to find food that doesn't come in plastic wrappers. There is a farmers market in Edinburgh, but it's only on once a week and I'm not always around to be able to go to it. There's also not any shops close by that I can bulk buy from, so I guess its going to take quite a lot of effort to be able to lead a completely zero waste lifestyle but I'm up for the challenge!
I counted up all the plastic I threw away last week, and here's my results.
Day 1
Orange juice bottle
Apple juice bottle
Avocado wrapper
Cleanser bottle
Coconut oil lid wrapper
Day 2
Samosa wrapper
Bread wrapper
Day 3
Ice cream wrapper
Orange juice bottle
Nut butter tub
Smoothie bottle
Coconut milk bottle
Vegan chicken packet
Cracker packet
Cacao powder packet
Day 4
Lettuce wrapper
Vegan chicken packet
Houmous tub
Day 5
Chocolate wrapper
Old phone case
Bottle top
Day 6
Produce bag
Straighteners case
Bottle top
Day 7
Bread wrapper
Tortilla wrapper
So I threw away or recycled a total of 27 items which isn't actually that bad. It could be better, but it could also be a lot worse. I think the main thing for me is getting rid of all the current plastic I have in my house starting with cosmetic bottles and trying to find food that doesn't come in plastic wrappers. There is a farmers market in Edinburgh, but it's only on once a week and I'm not always around to be able to go to it. There's also not any shops close by that I can bulk buy from, so I guess its going to take quite a lot of effort to be able to lead a completely zero waste lifestyle but I'm up for the challenge!
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