A zero waste blog. Join me on my journey as I reduce my waste and move towards a simple, vegan and zero waste lifestyle.

Welcome to Zero Waste 30!

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Hello! I'm Sarah and thanks for stopping by Zero Waste 30.

I'm had my own blog here for the past few years, but I decided it was finally time to take the plunge and start a brand new blog all about zero waste. I'll be the first to admit that my lifestyle at the moment is not completely zero waste. Some aspects of my life are as I make my own toothpaste and don't use plastic bags or water bottles, however there's still a lot room for improvement. I constantly battle with having to buy food in plastic wrappers and there's a lot of plastic bottles in my bathroom. However, nothing can change over night and this blog will document my journey to living as zero waste a life as possible. I'm also vegan and enjoying spending time outdoors so there will probably be a lot of posts about that too.

I hope you'll go on this journey with me and maybe feel inspired to look at what changes you can make to reduce your own plastic.

Sarah x

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