A zero waste blog. Join me on my journey as I reduce my waste and move towards a simple, vegan and zero waste lifestyle.

Hello 2018

Monday 1 January 2018
I can't believe it's 2018 already. It feels like the last twelve months just flew by in the blink of an eye, and now we're back at the beginning of a brand new year.

Personally, 2017 was a pretty great year. I turned 30 which I might not have liked much at the time, but I feel a lot more settled in my thirties now, even if I'm still in denial about it. Other highlights of the year include:
  • Making some great new friends (A special shout out goes to Nicole who has become my best vegan hillwalking buddy).
  • Climbing more Munros, some of which gave me sunburn and others were so windy I could barely stand at the top.
  • Visiting Copenhagen for the second time and getting to watch Bon Iver live despite getting caught in the worst rain of the year at the festival.
  • Writing, Writing, Writing! I started reviewing theatre shows for All Edinburgh Theatre which gave me the opportunity to immerse myself in the Fringe for the first time in years. I also wrote blogs for work and Huffington Post.
  • And finally, I met someone in the summer who unexpectedly turned the later half of this year into the best yet. 
My plan for 2018 is to make more time for the things I love which for me is all about friends, family, travel, writing, reading, hillwalking and eating all vegan food.

Here's to making 2018 the best year yet!
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