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Birthday Celebrations

Sunday, 14 January 2018
So that's it, I am officially 31 (and still completely in denial about it).

This week, I celebrated another birthday and while I don't look any older (well, that's what I'm telling myself) I have now reached the grand old age of 31.

I took the day off work like I have done every year of my adult life (well apart from one year when an old boss made me work) so my mum came through to Edinburgh so we could spend the day together.

Ever since I was born, my mum has made my birthday cakes and they always taste a million times better than any shop bought cake. This year, she made me a vegan chocolate dinosaur cake and it was amazing!! She even used Biscoff spread (!!!) between the layers. I've been eating it every day this week, and luckily there's still some left to snack on today.

We spent the afternoon at Holyrood Palace and the Queen's Gallery, which we've both been wanting to go to for a while, especially since I've become obsessed with The Crown. You're not allowed to take any photos inside, but here's one of me in my favourite Gryffindor scarf standing in the remains of Holyrood Abbey.

After that, we took a way up the Royal Mile for my birthday lunch at Paradise Palms. It's a great veggie/vegan bar and restaurant in town which is decorated with neon lights and palm trees. I had nachos topped with 3 bean chili, kiwi salsa verde, guacamole, blackbean dip, pickled chillies and vegan cheese. We also had a portion of the buffalo cauliflower, but it was a little too spicy for both of us.

I was back in work on Wednesday and of my colleagues made me a vegan chocolate cake which the office all enjoyed. I also caught up with some friends, went for pizza, played pinball, and then spent some time with the rest of my family as my brother turned 21 this week too.

I guess turning 31 wasn't too bad after all!

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  • Birthday CelebrationsSo that's it, I am officially 31 (and still completely in denial about it). This week, I celebrated another birthday and while I don't look any older (well, that's what I'm tellin… Read More
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